Success Center

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Steps for Effective Communication with your Instructors

Responsibilities as a Student

As a student registered with the Disability Services Accommodations (DSA) Office, it is your responsibility to inform your instructor of your accommodations. We do not share this information automatically, so you must share your DSA Award Letter if you intend to utilize your accommodations in your courses. We recommend sharing a copy of your Letter at the start of each course to establish expectations with your instructor. If you prefer, you can also notify your instructor on an as needed basis. If you choose this method, ensure you provide your instructor with your Letter at least five days before you will need to utilize your accommodations. This allows your instructor the time to make any necessary adjustments within the classroom.

Maintaining Open Communication

We understand unexpected situations may arise throughout your courses, whether it is related to your health or your personal life. It is important to inform your instructor of any barriers you might be experiencing as soon as possible. The sooner they are aware, the better they will be able to provide advice of how to proceed and have awareness of the situation. If you decide to request a course extension, an instructor may be more willing to grant your request if they were kept well informed throughout the progression of the course. 

Asking for Help

Students are not expected to have all of the answers or be experts on a subject right away. That is why you are a student, and instructors understand that! It is better to reach out if you have questions on a topic or need clarification on a subject sooner rather than later. This will allow your instructor time to provide you with feedback to apply in the course or have a greater understanding for areas you might need additional assistance in. If you do not ask the question, your instructor has no way of knowing you need their help. Some ways to start the conversation could include:

  • I am having difficulties understanding the topic this week. Would you mind providing clarification on…?
  • I saw on my recent assignment I could improve upon my writing organization. Could you provide me with further feedback or resources to utilize as I progress in my education?

If you are uncertain as to what might be appropriate, remember you have a wide array of resources as a student at APUS. If you have questions regarding disability services accommodations, please contact the DSA Office at [email protected]. Information regarding the DSA process may also be found in the Student Handbook. For academic advising questions, please contact your Academic Advisor. For technical, instructor or content issues within your classroom, please select the Help option located inside of your classroom.