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Selecting a Degree Program: 10 Factors to Consider

If you need assistance in selecting a degree program, here are 10 factors to consider when choosing a program. There may not be a clear link between a particular program and a certain career or industry, but don’t let that get in the way of selecting the best program for you and your goals.

Your interests should play a role in the degree program you pick. You want to enjoy what you study, this where a personal self-assessment may come in hand. However. while your interests may guide you in picking a program, they will surely not be the primary factor when selecting your program of study.

Be confident in your abilities, and use your strengths in a program that you will be able to do your best work in. If you are great writer, consider selecting a program where you can showcase your writing skills and develop them further.

Some programs may require out-of-pocket costs that may not be covered by your funding source. Be sure to check with an Academic Advisor about any potential out-of-pocket costs.

The work-school-life balance is important. Look into programs that will work with your current schedule. Be sure no matter what program you decide on to have a dedicated space and time to complete your coursework.

Are you looking to start your career as soon as possible? You may want to consider looking at programs that will abbreviate your time spent in the classroom. Keen in mind. any transfer credit you may receive and scheduling availability could affect how long it takes to complete your program. Look for programs with higher elective space to utilize transfer credit!

Do your research beforehand. Which professions are facing shortages? Which industries have expected growth in the next 5-10 years? Which skills are in demand? If you are unsure of where to begin, reach out to Career Services at [email protected].

Review the median salary of graduates within a particular program or major. This is a valuable place to start, but it will not give you a complete picture o the industry. Use sites like PayScale. Glassdoor, and Indeed to investigate potential careers.

If you have a specific goal in mind, like becoming a CPA, some career goals requires specific majors, (or at the very least specific courses and trainings), or accreditations. Research what is required for a particular career.

Does your program need to have a specialized accredited in order to meet requirements for your career? Make sure your program meets these particular requirements and holds a valid accreditation.

If you have shortened your list of potential careers, research to see which of them if any would require a master's or doctorate degree. An advanced degree many enhance your career outlook.