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APUS Chaplain Overview

What is a Chaplain? 

Dating back to the 4th century, a “chaplain” was a trusted member of the community who helped protect sacred spaces. Today, a chaplain is a minister assigned to an institution (hospital, military, university, prison) tending to the spiritual and mental well-being by providing confidential counseling and advising institutional leaders on trends, rendering intuitional policy or behavior changes.

Originally the word "chaplain" referred to representatives of the Christian faith but has evolved to a "multifaith" and "interfaith" paradigm embracing all belief (or no belief) structures.

Perhaps it is better to define a chaplain by what a chaplain does in relationship to others: 

  • Provides spiritual and/or emotional support
  • Listens with care and compassion
  • Facilitates sacred rites, rituals, and services
  • Seeks to empower others to be fully human
  • Ministers to the spirituality of the people they serve

How can the APUS Chaplain help?

When emotionally challenged over a current life/academic situation and need a safe person to listen, the APUS Chaplains offer compassionate support. Often, the APUS Chaplains help students cope with intense emotions such as fear, anxiety, panic, sadness, loneliness, dread, despair…that tend to be overwhelming and decrease the ability to focus on studies and hinder experiencing a joyful life.

The APUS Chaplains can help provide emotional and spiritual support to you through an offering of genuine presence, reflective listening, words of encouragement, and most importantly kindness, compassion, and understanding. The APUS chaplains will not judge or try to “fix” what's wrong. We are here to support you in whatever situation you are facing.

Meet the APUS Chaplains

How can I contact the Chaplain's office? 
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Text or phone: please be sure to leave a message for Cynthia (703-357-3990) or Kyle (304-620-3577)

What other mental/emotional health support resources are available at APUS?

The primary resource for mental/emotional health at APUS is the Chaplain Office. However, the APUS chaplains are meant to be utilized for immediate short-term circumstances. Thus, after connecting with one of the APUS Chaplains and it is determined that more long-term resources are needed, the Chaplain will assist you in connecting with available resources provided in your area.

The Chaplain Office is currently working on posting videos and audio recordings to the APUS website about cultivating a mindfulness practice to provide additional tools that may help you cope with the stresses of life and school.

What are some mental/emotional health practices that I can use every day?
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: contact the Chaplain if wanting personal one-on-one guidance, or stay tuned for instructional content
  • Having a support system: who or what do you consider as support? Friends? Family? A faith organization? The VA? Make effort to establish and strengthen a healthy support system around you
  • Rest and retreat: designate at least one day a week to putting down and letting go of everything that has to do with work, school, and typical daily life responsibilities. Designate at least one day for you to enjoy life as you feel it's meant to be lived. Connect with nature. Share a meal with close friends. Enjoy a hobby to its fullest. Just like a computer that eventually needs to be shut down to operate more efficiently, we too need to unplug, rest, and rejuvenate by taking time to deeply appreciate the joy and peace life has to offer