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3 Tips for More Success in Online Learning

Seeking higher education often creates stress and you wonder whether or not furthering your education is doable. But acquiring more knowledge is definitely possible, from my personal experience.

Life slows down for absolutely no one. With the stressors of finances, jobs, and raising families, education is often put to the side. But here are three tips to remember for making your online learning experience more successful:

1. Stay organized.

brain map of various shapes and connections with a hand holding a square on the left and a hand on the right

Whether you use a planner book, a corkboard, a calendar or your own personal phone, learning to stay organized is an important way to stay on track with your classes. Organization also lessens your stress and alleviates the anxiety of what your instructor expects from you in your classes. You are more relaxed and ready to conquer the course, all because you know what exactly is going on at all times.

2. Timing is everything.

portion of a calendar with a red and black border on the left with an hourglass with blue sand moving from top to bottom on the right

Our time is precious. Who wants to be bombarded with last-minute assignments or give up going to a special event because you have a paper to write? I understand completely. One thing I quickly picked up in my classes is the fact that TIME IS EVERYTHING.

It is so easy to push assignments off to the side. You might say “I’ll do it later,” only to find out that “later” is one hour before the assignment is due, leaving you frustrated and highly anxious. Treat school as you would a doctor’s appointment. Allocate a specific time for schoolwork and make sure that you follow it accordingly.

It takes time getting used to your new routine, but it is worth it! Who doesn’t want extra time to hang out with family and friends, head to the spa, or check out that great new restaurant that just opened up down the street?

3. Make learning FUN!

a person sitting on the floor with a laptop and arms up in a celebratory pose

My first impression of school was everything needed to be so serious. You should take your classes seriously, but there is absolutely no reason as to why you can’t have fun with it.

The best thing about online learning is that you can go anywhere and take the classroom with you. Your education becomes much more convenient. Consider going to the park, a local coffee shop or even a local library. You get to enjoy some fresh air and along the way, you may meet new people who you can inspire.

Another way to make learning fun is to share what you learn with friends. Use flash cards, play trivia games or just share the latest thing you learned in class; all of these activities help you as a learner.

Set some goals for the course. When you reach them, treat yourself to something great. Setting specific goals is a great way to push yourself and an excellent way to remind yourself that you are a champion.

Everyone has a different learning style. Take these three easy tips and mold them to your liking so that you can benefit the most from them. Have fun with your learning, be creative with it and remember that you are setting yourself up for success because you are a rock star!

About the Author

Christina Valenzuela is currently a full-time student at APU, in pursuit of a bachelor’s degree in. Sports and Health Sciences, with a concentration in Fitness and Wellness. Christina aspires to become a life coach and is dedicated to helping individuals find their true inner strength and complete happiness in life.