SPST203 - History of Space Flight

Course Details

Course Code: SPST203 Course ID: 4957 Credit Hours: 3 Level: Undergraduate

This course is a history of human activity in space and includes rocketry, space associations, voluntary organizations, human flight, unmanned flight, satellites, science-fiction, and ballistic missiles. The History of Space is a survey of humanity’s quest to explore outer space, “the final frontier.” This course is a history of human activity concerning, about, and in space and includes early humanity’s fascination with the heavens, the quest for knowledge about what lay beyond the sky, human flight, unmanned flight, the development of rocketry and satellites, the role of early space associations and voluntary organizations, space exploration and ballistic missiles and the increased militarization of space, and science fiction. (Prerequisite: SPST201)

Course Schedule

Registration Dates Course Dates Start Month Session Weeks
Registration02/26/2024 - 08/02/2024 Course Dates08/05/2024 - 09/29/2024 Start Month August SessionSummer 2024 Session I Weeks8 Week session
Registration03/25/2024 - 08/30/2024 Course Dates09/02/2024 - 10/27/2024 Start Month September SessionSummer 2024 Session D Weeks8 Week session
Registration05/27/2024 - 11/01/2024 Course Dates11/04/2024 - 12/29/2024 Start Month November SessionFall 2024 Session I Weeks8 Week session
Registration07/29/2024 - 01/03/2025 Course Dates01/06/2025 - 03/02/2025 Start Month January SessionWinter 2025 Session B Weeks8 Week session

Previous Syllabi

Not current for future courses.