The Space Studies field is expanding, offering varied career paths based on interest, experience, and education. APUS’ academically focused Space Studies program allows students to delve into diverse space areas, preparing them for roles in museums, planetariums, and observatories.

As a student or graduate of APUS' Space Studies, you stand on the brink of an exciting journey into the dynamic world of space exploration and technology. This continually evolving field spans a wide range of disciplines, catering to various skills and interests. Whether your passion is space science, computer science, planetary science, or aerospace engineering, there's a place for you.

The field also includes space law and national defense, shaping policies, safeguarding national interests, and promoting responsible space use. Your knowledge could lead to a career shaping the future of space exploration and utilization.

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A career in the space industry is not just about the work you do, but also about being part of something bigger - the quest to explore the unknown, to push the boundaries of human knowledge, and to contribute to a future where the wonders of space are accessible to all.

There are many career paths to explore within the Space Studies industry. The following options are just some you might consider. Please note that these are example job titles one may potentially pursue, and actual job titles could be listed differently depending on the company and location.

Examples of job titles related to the coursework in APUS’ Space Studies program include:

General Roles

  • Technical Writer
  • Assistant Researcher
  • Tour Guide
  • Director
  • Coordinator
  • Educator
  • Space Camps/Camp Counselors
  • Exhibit Developer


  • Planetarium Operator
  • Planetarium Presenter
  • Planetarium Specialist
  • Education Specialist
  • Planetarium Outreach Educator
  • Astronomy Outreach Specialist
  • Planetarium Production Coordinator
  • Planetarium Production Assistant


  • Observatory Presenter
  • Education Specialist
  • Observatory Ambassador

Space Museums

  • Education Instructor
  • Education Outreach Coordinator

Please note: Career opportunities may vary and are subject to change. Always research the current job market and consult with a career counselor to understand potential pathways. Keep in mind the path you choose may require additional education, experience, training, and/or other qualifications beyond obtaining a degree in Space Studies.

In the dynamic field of Space Studies, learning extends beyond classrooms and labs. Joining professional organizations can foster innovation, knowledge, and collaboration in this evolving field.

Professional organizations connect you with a network of leaders, innovators, and space enthusiasts shaping the future of space technology and exploration. They provide access to the industry's pulse - the latest trends, cutting-edge advancements, and best practices that redefine space knowledge.

Your Space Studies journey is a path of discovery and growth. Professional organizations can guide you towards development opportunities. Explore these professional organizations tailored for Space Studies majors:

Please note: The relevance and benefits of different organizations may vary based on individual career goals and interests. It's always recommended to research each organization thoroughly before joining.


Your professional journey in Space Studies extends beyond theoretical knowledge. It's about merging academia with practical application, immersing yourself in enriching real-world experiences. Museums, planetariums, and observatories serve as unique platforms to dive into the field.

Internships and volunteer roles aren't just steppingstones—they're gateways to engaging with diverse audiences, participating in hands-on programming, and deepening of sky and planetary science knowledge.

Consider these organizations for opportunities to augment your real-world knowledge:

In addition to the organizations mentioned above, there are government-organized internship programs, many of which require students to maintain either a half-time or full-time student status. The best ways to identify potential opportunities such as these is to contact branch offices directly, to search, or to look at the agencies' career portals. Keep in mind that these positions are not always posted online, so direct contact with the agency is key.


The  Pathways Program is a federal initiative that offers internship programs for current students, and training and career development opportunities for recent graduates. Recent graduates must apply within two years of degree or certificate completion (except for veterans who, due to their military service obligation, will have up to six years to apply). The internship program for current students replaces the former Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) and Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP).

The Presidential Management Fellows Program (PMF)

PMF is designed to attract to federal service outstanding men and women from a wide variety of academic disciplines who have a clear interest in, and commitment to, a career in the analysis and management of public policies and programs. To be eligible for nomination, an individual must be a graduate student completing or expecting to complete an advanced degree from a qualifying college or university during the current academic year.

The Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP)

WRP is coordinated by the Office of Disability Employment Policy and the U.S. Department of Defense, and aims to provide summer work experience, and in some cases full-time employment, to college students with disabilities. The program develops partnerships with other federal agencies, each of whom makes a commitment to provide summer jobs and a staff recruiter. 

Social media allows students and alumni the opportunity to connect with professionals in their field. Follow organizations you are interested in to stay current on events, conferences, and job postings.