Arts and Humanities Resources

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What Can You Do with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology?

Monique M. Chouraeshkenazi, Ph.D., PsyD, MSCP
The article discusses the versatility of a bachelor’s degree in psychology beyond traditional healthcare roles.
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statue of Plato the philosopher

How Are Philosophy and Religion Related? Differing Views

Scott Matkovich
The article explores the historical significance of religious thought and its influence on philosophy.
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why study religion

Why Study Religion? 5 Reasons to Pursue the Study of Religion

Scott Matkovich
The field of religious studies stands apart from other fields of academic study because the core ideas of religion aren’t dynamic. In other words, they don’t change.
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stoic cop

The Stoic Cop: Why Stoicism and Police Work Are Incompatible

Scot DuFour
In this article, Scot DuFour reviews stoicism and the philosophy of the "stoic cop".
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