Dr. Evan Rosenberg

Part-Time Instructor, Security and Global Studies
Dr. Evan  Rosenberg


J.D. in Law
Florida State University
M.S. in Urban and Regional Planning
Florida State University
B.S. in Aerospace Engineering
University of Maryland, College Park
B.S. in Mathematics
University of Maryland, College Park

Research Interests

Emergency Management Recovery, Law and Public Policy

Positions Held

2018 - Present
Witt O'Brien's Disaster Consulting
Subject Matter Expert
2010 - Present
Florida State University
2009 - Present
Tallahassee Community College
Adjunct Faculty
2017 - 2018
Florida Housing Finance Corporation
Deputy Director of Multifamily Programs
2013 - 2017
FL Division of Emergency Management
Bureau Chief of Recovery
2009 - 2013
FL Division of Emergency Management
Deputy Chief of Recovery

Intellectual Contributions

Implementation of the National Disaster Recovery Framework

Evan G. Rosenberg
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2016


Short and Long-Term Recovery in the U.S. System

Presentations to Brazil EM Delegation
March 10, 2017

Introduction to Recovery for Sheriff's Departments

Florida Sheriff's Association Annual Meeting 2017
January 31, 2017

Current Issues in Recovery - 2016

2016 Current Issues in Emergency Management
November 30, 2016

FDEM Refresher on FMAG Declarations

Refresher on FMAG Declarations
November 16, 2016

Risk Management Concepts and Disaster Recovery

FL Public Risk Managers Association Annual Meeting
September 13, 2016

The State of Recovery in Florida

FEPA Mid-Year Conference 2016
August 3, 2016

Florida and RSF's - The State Perspective

2016 Tampa EOC Exercise
June 30, 2016

Local Individual and Public Assistance Program Implementation

2016 Tampa EOC Exercise
June 30, 2016

Bridging the Gap Between Short and Long-Term Recovery

Governor's Hurricane Conference 2016
May 13, 2016

Legislative Staff Briefing on Deobligations

Legislative Staff Briefing on Deobligations
April 25, 2016

2016 Recovery Training Session

National Emergency Management Association, 2016 Mid-Year
April 7, 2016

The Basics of Disaster Declarations

Community Meeting on Lake Okeechobee Discharges
March 30, 2016

Public Assistance Thresholds and the Deductible Concept

Governor's Staff Briefing
March 2, 2016

Florida Town Hall Webinar on Proposed PA Deductible

Florida Town Hall Webinar on Proposed PA Deductible
February 29, 2016

RPC's and the Housing Recovery Support Function

Regional Planning Councils Annual Working Meeting 2016
February 12, 2016

Project Managers and Disaster Recovery

PMI Tallahassee Chapter Monthly Meeting
December 7, 2015

Disaster Preparedness & Recovery Webinar 2015

Disaster Preparedness & Recovery Webinar
November 12, 2015

Presentation on Recovery Staff Financing

Working Meeting with FL House & Senate Staff
October 13, 2015

Current Issues in Recovery - 2015

2015 Current Issues in Emergency Management
October 7, 2015

Palm Beach County 2015 EM Working Session

Palm Beach County EM Working Session
June 18, 2015

Palm Beach County 2015 Senior Staff Briefing

Palm Beach County Senior Staff Briefing
June 17, 2015

Bringing the IG Community into Disaster Operations

Florida Association of Inspector's General Monthly Meeting
June 9, 2015

Creating a Florida Disaster Recovery Framework

Governor's Hurricane Conference 2015
May 10, 2015

Introduction to the Federal Supercircular

National Emergency Management Association, 2015 Mid-Year
March 17, 2015

Recovery Support Functions in Florida

FEPA Annual Conference 2015
February 11, 2015

Current Issues in Recovery - 2014

2014 Current Issues in Emergency Management
October 2, 2014

The Sandy Recovery Improvement Act at 1 Year Old

FL League of Cities Symposium 2014
May 2014

State Recovery Programs in Florida

EMI Integrated Emergency Management Course
March 10, 2014

Current Issues in Recovery - 2013

2013 Current Issues in Emergency Management
October 2013

Recovery Leadership Roles & Responsibilities

Chatham Co. (GA) Hurricane Conference 2013
April 23, 2013

The Storm Has Passed... Now What?

Chatham Co. (GA) Hurricane Conference 2013
April 23, 2013

County EM Typing Project

FEPA Mid-Year Conference 2012
June 18, 2012

Media Contributions

Hurricane Season Has Officially Begun: Tips for Preparation & Cleanup

Hurricane Season Has Officially Begun: Tips for Preparation & Cleanup
Social Media - Blog